Schedule 6 (New)

Dr. Daniel Burtic, Emanuel University of Oradea

Introductory Remarks

Time Schedule

9:30am - 9:40am


Room M7

Prof. univ. dr. Paul Negruț, Emanuel University of Oradea

Ethical perspectives on the development of organizations

Time Schedule

9:45am - 9:55am


Room M7

Prof. univ. dr. ec. Dr. H. C. Nicolae Al. Pop, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Contemporary directions in the development of Romanian academic marketing in favor of increasing the performance of the organization

Time Schedule

10:00am - 10:20am


Room M7

Dr. Călin Gurău, Montpellier Business School, France

The reason for being ethical in business: moral or marketing orientation?

Time Schedule

10:25am - 10:45am


Room M7

Dr. Sebastian Văduva, MBA, Emanuel University of Oradea

The Necessity of a Romanian Perspective in the International Academic Business Community

Time Schedule

10:50am - 11:05am


Room M7

Dr. Daniel Burtic, Emanuel University of Oradea

Closing Remarks

Time Schedule

11:05am - 11:10am


Room M7